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Managing Menopause - the Course

This course is available as a standalone course for $49 or is available to members for $29 using your coupon you received when you joined.

Craft tools for crotchet designs.

Darning supplies and tools.

Scrap booking supplies.

Household and kitchen utensils and baking utensils.

Essential Oils for soothing and calming.

Needlepoint materials and tools.

Spend some time with Tess in the kitchen cooking up some special family recipes. These recipes use all natural ingredients mainly organic. See how you can substitute out products from your home cooking to get the best nutrition available – so important to control a lot of the symptoms associated with menopause. Take a look at Take 5

Join Tess over a thirty day expedition into some hot topics that are of concern to menopausal women. Topics such as: Vitamins, Estrogen, Insomnia, Deodorants,Lipstick, Sunblock just to name a few.

Creating a new habit is a bit like having a baby.

We conceive a new habit and really don’t see any change in ourselves to start with.

As time goes by that new habit begins to be noticeable – the bump.

Then more time goes by and that habit becomes visually real.

Creating a new habit is a lot easier than trying to get rid of an old one.