How Does Dry Swan Exercise Work?
Dry Swan exercise distracts your brain signal from activating your bladder, giving you time to get to the bathroom. It takes away the ‘urge to go now’ and gives you back control to go when you want to and not be dictated to by your bladder. The more you practice your Dry Swan Exercise the stronger your bladder control can become, with the added benefit of building upper body strength.
When Should I Do My Dry Swan Exercise?
Your Dry Swan Exercise can be performed at any time but is best used initially at the first sign of your brain signalling your bladder to empty, when the urge is building. This exercise can be used to stop the urge to empty your bladder, which often is only half full or less. Over time you can extend the duration between toilet visits to strengthen your bladder. As well, Dry Swan exercise, with practise, can enable you to once again sneeze, cough and exert yourself without leakage – eg exercise at the gym or lift shopping bags out of your car.
How Do I Perform My Dry Swan Exercise?
The first step is to familiarise yourself with the exercise, so check out the Exercise in the videos below and make sure you watch the exercise a few times before attempting it.
Please ensure you have assistance if you are at all unsteady on your feet as I take no responsibility for your safety in performing this exercise. Please check my Disclaimer on this site.
Of course, exercise is just one facet of bladder control and to really get on top of the condition you also need to address other issues such as diet, stress levels, work pressures etc.
However, your Dry Swan Exercise can help you in achieving better bladder control in the meantime.
Exercise Explained
Please note that you perform this exercise at your own risk. Read disclaimer here.
It’s important when you raise your arms that you use all upper body muscles by stretching and extending your arms all the way to your fingertips in a deliberate fashion, with your fingers spread. You will feel your muscles reacting as you raise and lower your arms in a deliberate slow movement. The exercise is a personal one, so you will tailor it to suit yourself.
Imagine you are a beautiful swan in flight and need to keep yourself in the air so your arms are flexing your muscles and pushing against the air as you raise and lower them.
Rotation of circle will depend on whether you are right or left handed, whichever is most comfortable for you. The demonstation video and illustrations are for right-handed users.
Dry Swan Exercise and explanation from Tess Hansel on Vimeo.
Illustrations and Step-by-Step instructions for Dry Swan exercise:
Step 1
To commence this exercise you cross one leg over the other, ensuring your thighs are pressed together firmly and making sure you are balanced. (Check video)
Step 2
While holding your thighs together you squat down slightly which further tightens your thighs, again making sure you are balanced. Raise your arms and lower slowly and begin your circle. (Check video)
Step 3
Take one small step, at the same time raising and lowering your arms slowly, continuing your small circle. (Check video)
Step 4
Continue to take another step while raising and lowering your arm slowly, continuing your small circle. (Check video)
Step 5
Continue to take another step while raising and lowering your arms slowly, continuing your small circle. (Check video)
Step 6
Rest in the final position, still holding thighs firmly together for a few more seconds. Repeat if urge is still strong. (Check video)
‘A Trained Bladder is a Happy Bladder’
Now you’ve discovered the Dry Swan Exercise, please feel free to share it. Our aim is to reach all 197 countries (EveryWoman197DrySwan) with this free exercise, so women (and girls) across the earth have the opportunity to train/retrain their bladders in a free and natural way.
There’s nothing like regaining control over your bladder! It opens up your world again and think how awesome it would be to give that gift to all the women in the world – especially those who have suffered this condition for years, believing there was nothing they could do to fix it. Exercise and diet really goes a long way to sorting out this very annoying problem.
Thank You for caring and sharing.
'Take Back Your Bladder Control"
Ideal companion book for Dry Swan Exercise. Teaches you all aspects for consideration in your daily lives on how to overcome issues with an unruly bladder.
Download now as a pdf eBook for just $7
A word from the author – Tess Hansel
‘You see, I have learnt the hard way that it takes years of poor dietary choices – and there’s no finger-pointing here. There are all sorts of reasons why we find ourselves in poor health but one of them is stress and lack of time. It’s just easier to buy processed and ready-made food when you are working 11 hour days. That’s what I did.
It took me years to claw back my good health and the need to stop and assess why I was experiencing urinary incontinence and now it is awesome to be able to share what I have discovered with you, so you don’t have to spend years trying to figure it all out.
So, the balance has now returned to my life – and I am centre stage of the nurturing and caring. The amazing thing is I have more love and care to give than ever!
What about you? When was the last time you took a good look at:
your diet,
stress level,
work commitments.
friends list – you may have to shorten that and get rid of the negative nellies, you know those people who drain you and almost never give anything back,
medications – research what they do and their side effects,
lack of ‘you’ time.
This is serious and urinary incontinence is a very clear signal to you that something is very wrong with your overall health. Only you can figure out what that is, and I’m here to help you do that.’